Public Comments for: HB2313 - Boarding establishments; inspections by animal control officers, report.
I am writing in support of HB2313 which pertains to annual inspections of boarding establishment. As the CEO of the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria, it was my team who conducted the investigation of the Petsmart at Potomac Yard, Alexandria after the passing who 3 dogs who had recently boarded at that facility. We would very much like to have the ability to inspect such facilities before a complaint of this magnitude with the hope that these tragedies could be prevented. We appreciate Delegate Lopez for championing this bill.
HB 2313: I have been operating a daycare and boarding facility for the last 11 years Why does Virginia need this bill? Who will pay for this inspection? What will be the criteria ? There are no published state standards to my knowledge. Will the “assistant”to the state veterinarian be allowed to be an animal rights activist from PETA or HSUS, since those organizations are likely to volunteer personnel? Any representative of the state should definitely be employed by and paid by the state for liability reasons if nothing else. What will be the process of dealing with unannounced inspections if they show up during times management is not present? For instance, on vacation or at lunch? What if there is no staff available to deal with showing them around at the moment they decide to come? The safety of my clients would be my number one concern, not showing around the inspectors. As an aside, new clients are always interested in inspecting my premises, and I am, of course, happy to accommodate them. No one is forced to utilize my facility. I see no particular need for burdening business owners with these inspections. Additionally, the bill does not specify commercial boarding establishments, so will you be inspecting everyone that signs up for Will this bill also include horse boarding establishments and private kennels?
HB 2313: I have been operating a daycare and boarding facility for the last 11 years Why does Virginia need this bill? Who will pay for this inspection? What will be the criteria ? There are no published state standards to my knowledge. Will the “assistant”to the state veterinarian be allowed to be an animal rights activist from PETA or HSUS, since those organizations are likely to volunteer personnel? Any representative of the state should definitely be employed by and paid by the state for liability reasons if nothing else. What will be the process of dealing with unannounced inspections if they show up during times management is not present? For instance, on vacation or at lunch? What if there is no staff available to deal with showing them around at the moment they decide to come? The safety of my clients would be my number one concern, not showing around the inspectors. As an aside, new clients are always interested in inspecting my premises, and I am, of course, happy to accommodate them. No one is forced to utilize my facility. I see no particular need for burdening business owners with these inspections.
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