Public Comments for: HB2165 - Campaign finance; prohibited personal use of campaign funds, etc.
Veterans for All Voters strongly supports HB 2165. Candidates for public office should not be permitted to use campaign funds for personal use. A majority of Virginians support this bill. Let's get this done!
Sweet! Time for some campaign finance reform. Please support this bill so that we don’t get any more George Santos’s
I support the bill regarding campaign finance and the prohibition of personal use of campaign funds, here are some reasons you might advocate for it: Preventing Corruption: By clearly defining what constitutes personal use, the bill aims to prevent candidates from using campaign funds for personal enrichment, which could lead to corruption or the perception thereof. This strengthens public trust in political figures. Transparency and Accountability: The legislation promotes greater accountability by ensuring that campaign funds are used strictly for campaign-related activities. It makes it easier for the public, watchdogs, and regulatory bodies to monitor how funds are spent. Level Playing Field: By limiting the personal use of campaign funds, the bill helps ensure that candidates cannot leverage campaign donations for personal gain, which might give wealthier or more established candidates an unfair advantage over others. Clarification of Rules: The introduction of advisory opinions and the requirement for updated summaries from the State Board of Elections provides candidates with clearer guidance on what is permissible, potentially reducing unintentional violations of campaign finance laws. Public Confidence in Elections: When voters know that campaign funds are being used appropriately, it enhances confidence in the electoral process. It assures the public that money is being spent to advance political ideas rather than personal lifestyles. Consistency with Federal Standards: The mention of adopting regulations similar to those from the Federal Election Commission could harmonize state and federal practices, making campaign finance laws more uniform and understandable across different levels of government. Protection of Donors: Donors give money expecting it to support a political campaign, not to fund a candidate's personal life. This bill safeguards donor intentions by ensuring contributions are used for their intended purpose. Addressing Loopholes: By setting clearer boundaries on what is not allowed, the bill aims to close loopholes that might have existed under previous laws, where personal use might have gone unchecked or underreported. Encouraging Ethical Campaigning: The bill encourages candidates to run campaigns based on merit and policy rather than financial manipulation or personal gain, thus promoting a more ethical political environment. Emergency Regulations: The provision for emergency regulations allows for a swift response to any new issues or abuses that might arise, ensuring that the law can be adapted quickly to maintain its effectiveness.
I’m Nancy Morgan, Coordinator of BigMoneyOutVA. We support these bills (HB2165 and HB1686) which probably should be called the George Santos bills. As you know, many of the infractions Santos was charged with are legal in Virginia, but certainly not under federal law nor in most other states. Just to remind you, this is the 11th year this bill has been introduced (2014) We hope that it gets passed because it is a common sense bill which builds citizens' confidence in their legislators and their democratic institutions. Obviously, Virginians are amazed that this bill can’t get out of Chambers. This bill addressed concerns expressed by legislators about frivolous complaints by protecting legislatorss through the establishment of a robust and confidential review process. It is supported by 73 percent of Voters, who in 2021 polling by the Wason Center, support restricting the personal use of campaign funds. It is time to pass this bill which is the law of the land, both federally and in all but two states.
I strongly urge the entire subcommittee to support these bills, authored by two of your committee members. They restrict the use of campaign contributions for personal use. The bills include language to accomodate a transition period. These are supported by all my friends and neighbors, several of whom were very surprised and upset that this was not already law. It's bad enough that "big money" has come to have so much influence in our elections; it's even worse if donations can continue to go to personal expenses. Thanks for your consideration
HB1576 (Cherry) The League of Women Voters supports HB1576. This bill clarifies procedures for enforcing the prohibition on campaign fundraising during legislative sessions by specifying the State Board of Elections’ responsibility to report alleged violations. We agree that such violations should be reported to the Attorney General, or to the State Supreme Court in the case of an alleged violation by the Attorney General. The League supports actions that limit undue influence from vested interests. HB1761 (Simon) The League of Women Voters supports HB1761. The League believes that a public financing option for funding electoral campaigns reduces candidates’ reliance on large private donations and donations from vested special interests. A public funding option for campaign finance gives qualified individuals who don’t have deep pockets, or friends with deep pockets, more incentive to run for elected office, and increases the electorate’s opportunities to evaluate candidates on their merits and not just from paid advertisements. HB1761 is a “may, not must” bill that will give localities that wish to provide a public funding option for certain local elections the opportunity to do so via local ordinance. HB2140 (Krizek) The League of Women Voters supports HB2140. Requiring electronic filing of all campaign expenditure reports is a significant step toward promoting transparency and making campaign funding information more easily accessible to the electorate, in the ability both to access the reports and to analyze the information they contain. HB2165 (Cole) The League of Women Voters supports legislation restricting personal use of campaign funds. Virginia currently has no legal restrictions on how campaign funds may be used. The League believes that funds raised for a campaign should be used only for expenses directly related to running for office. We support the expanded provisions for what constitutes personal use, and the provision disallowing converting any funds to personal use, not just surpluses at the end of a campaign or term in office HB2607 (Ware) The League of Women Voters of Virginia supports legislation that limits campaign contributions. Corporations, particularly public service corporations, and their political action committees should not be allowed to make contributions to any candidate’s campaign committee or political action committee. The issue is the conflict of interest inherent in a corporation’s donating to legislators who have control over their activities, and goes hand in hand with the public perception of corruption and “pay for play.”
It is important for donors to any party to know where their money goes. None of it should be spent on personal items, etc. for a candidate. Sadly, we now have abusers in office who care little for those who donate to their campaigns. This bill provides a step in the right direction.
Please vote to report HB2165. It will provide clarity for candidates and voters on how campaign funds may be used. I am very gratified that "For dependent care expenses that are incurred as a direct result of the person's seeking, holding, or maintaining public office" is included, as this may widen the pool of people who can run for office. Thank you for taking this step to improve Virginia's standing on campaign finance.