Public Comments for: HB1831 - Public schools; certain calculations in Standards of Quality, support services.
Last Name: Klute Organization: Virginia PTA Locality: Chesterfield County

Virginia's current Standards of Quality funding formula underestimates staffing needed to serve students, uses recession era caps to limit funding, and fails to adequately account for the higher costs of educating students in 2025. An entire generation of students have now come and gone through the school system under funding restrictions that were designed to be temporary 15 years ago. The budget crisis is over. The Commonwealth had a $1.2B surplus last year. While we also support an overhaul of the funding system in Virginia, it's disingenuous to continue to study the study while children and educators struggle. Lift the support cap now while working towards a fundamental reboot of the funding system. The Virginia PTA supports HB1831.

Last Name: Smith Organization: Virginia Association of School Superintendents Locality: Palmyra

The Virginia Assocation of School Superintendents is in strong support of HB 1831 and HB 1954. The items listed in these bill have been on the top of our priorities for a number years. Thank you, Dr. Tom Smith VASS

Last Name: O Locality: Henrico

Dear House of Delegates, I am disheartened by the lack of high expectations and standards for Virginia’s schools. Many politicians and people believe throwing money at the issue will fix it. Nope Where are the parents, guardians of the students who are being disruptive and causing harm? It was Never about the salary! It was always about the poor policies, low standards and expectations for the students. Stop making excuses for some and not the others. All schools must follow The Student Code of Conduct. Fact: there are teachers and administrators who are too lazy to follow the policies and be consistent. I refuse to let this go because I know we must be fair. Schools that allow bad behavior instead of discipline and accountability are shameful. Look at our society now. Please stop covering up bad behaviors with low standards, excuses, and now metal detectors. Stop lowering standards in one place and raising standards in another. Encourage hard work and dedication without government dependency. Please stop dividing us into groups based on race, religion, gender, etc. Where is the home?

Last Name: Smith Organization: Virginia Association of School Superintendents - Batesville, VA Locality: Palmyra

The Virginia Association of School Superintendents stands in support of HB 1604, HB 1829 and HB 1831. Thank you Dr. Tom Smith VASS

Last Name: Kanoyton Organization: VIRGINIA State Conference NAACP Locality: Hampton

The VA NAACP supports: HB 1829 HB 1831

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