Public Comments for: HB1760 - Mental health for children 5 yrs. of age or younger; DBHDS, et al., to develop screening, etc.
Last Name: Ferguson Organization: Virginia Association for Infant Mental Health Locality: Richmond

Comments Document

Good morning, members of the General Assembly, Did you know that nearly 1 in 5 children under the age of six in Virginia faces mental health challenges, yet the vast majority will never receive the support they need? That’s a staggering reality—and one we have the power to change today with HB 1760. My name is Dr. Anjali Ferguson. I am a licensed clinical psychologist with early childhood expertise, the Executive Director of the Virginia Association for Infant Mental Health, and, perhaps most importantly, a mother to two young children under the age of five. I am here to share why this bill is not just important—it is urgent. Currently, development evaluations across the state have wait times of 12 months or more. During that critical year, children miss out on essential interventions that could shape their developmental trajectory. Early intervention matters. Research tells us that addressing developmental concerns early can have life-altering impacts, improving outcomes for children and their families. Yet, too many families are left waiting, watching precious time slip away. For the last several years, I have dedicated my professional career to addressing these needs. I even started a rapid access clinic to provide faster evaluations and interventions for young children. While it has helped, the demand far outweighs the resources available. The need is still immense. Early childhood is a time of unparalleled growth. With 90% of brain development occurring before the age of five, there is no better moment to act. Yet Virginia ranks 39th in the nation for developmental services. Families face long delays, limited access, and a lack of trained professionals equipped to address these challenges. The cost of inaction is enormous—not just emotionally, but financially. Every dollar invested in early childhood mental health services saves seven dollars in reduced costs for special education, mental health treatment, and juvenile justice involvement. Investing now is not only the compassionate choice; it’s the fiscally responsible one. HB 1760 offers a clear solution. By establishing a mental health consultation program for early childhood providers and families, this bill equips educators and healthcare professionals with the tools they need to identify and address concerns early. It builds the infrastructure we desperately need to give every child a strong foundation for lifelong health and success. 2:25 Picture a child you know under the age of five—their joy, their potential. Now imagine the weight of their struggles if they don’t get the support they need. Passing HB 1760 ensures no child in Virginia has to face that reality. This is our moment to lead. Let’s make Virginia a state where every child has the chance to thrive. I urge you to support HB 1760. Thank you for your time and for your commitment to the future of Virginia’s children.

Last Name: Coleman Organization: VAIMH Locality: James City County

I am a mental health professional who retired from a CSB. My primary responsibility was family counseling. I believe in supporting young families early, before stress induced ruptures occur which can severely impact the mental health of young children. Children with developmental disorders are especially vulnerable. Special training is needed to understand the mental health needs of pregnant women, new families, and children birth-six. As the bill recommends, I urge the legislature to provide funding so that critically needed state wide services for this population can be developed. Mental health consultants, home visitors, and other early childhood professionals are critical for providing the mental health supports that this population needs. I strongly support funding to expand services for early childhood mental health.

Last Name: Murray Locality: Richmond

I am a mother and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker specializing in young child psychotherapy in Richmond, VA and I support this bill. I have specialized in helping young children recover from post-traumatic stress for 25 years. I have seen firsthand the dire circumstances parents and children are in, and the need for early and strong support. I have worked with thousands of children and seen trauma passed through generations by lack of resources and support. This leads to psychological problems, behavioral problems, disruptions in classrooms, suspensions from day care, stressed out parents, and then parents who develop their own health and mental health problems, addictions, and sometimes even violence against their families. Decades of research demonstrates the impact of early intervention (or the lack thereof). Preschool teachers, day care providers, therapists, and medical providers are the ones interacting with kids at this age and we need education and a strong workforce. Mental health providers have the training and resources to help other know the right things to do, so behaviors and problems can be prevented and addressed early. This bill outlines a lot of ways we can bolster every child's development to be on track for learning, being good citizens, and becoming good parents themselves. Currently, families will contact me and tell me they have been waiting up to a year to get the services they need, and even as a professional it is extremely confusing to know where to start or who to ask. A coordinated program with evidence-based foundation will make this much more efficient.

Last Name: Cruser Organization: Mental Health Virginia Locality: Richmond

Mental Health Virginia supports efforts to make children's mental health a priority. There is urgency to this issue, and the earlier we can assess a child's needs then the sooner they can get the appropriate support and the better the outcomes. It is so important that the adults in each child's life, parents, teachers, caregivers, have the training and tools they need in order to support a child's health, including mental health.

Last Name: Atkinson Organization: Voices for Virginia's Children Locality: Richmond

At Voices for Virginia's Children, we are committed to advocating for policies that protect and promote the well-being of Virginia’s youth. HB 1760, the Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Act, represents a vital step in supporting the mental health of young children and families across the Commonwealth. This bill addresses a growing need to provide mental health support for children ages five and under, a period in life that is foundational for lifelong health, development, and well-being. Virginia, like many states, faces significant challenges when it comes to addressing the mental health needs of young children. By implementing the programs outlined in HB 1760, Virginia will be taking a significant step toward ensuring that every child, regardless of their background or circumstances, has access to the mental health support they need during these critical early years.

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